
IPA Books

Publications on Integrated Project Approach


Engaging Children's Minds: The Project Approach

Lilian G Katz and Sylvia C. Chard, 1989

A project is an in-depth investigation of a topic worth learning about. A project is sually taken by a small

group of children within a class, sometimes by a whole class, and sometimes by an individual child.

Young Investigators: The Project Approach in the Early Years

Judy Harris Helm and Lilian Katz, 2016 (3rd Edition)

Becoming Young Thinkers: Deep Project Work in the Classroom

Judy Harris Helm, 2015

The Hundred Languages of Children

Carolyn Edwards, Lella Gandini, George Forman, 2011

John Dowey, The School and Society, 1902

In The School and Society, Dowey declares that we must “make each one of our schools an embryonic

community life, active with types of occupations that reflect the life of the larger society and permeated with

the spirit of art, history, and science.”

John Dowey, The Child and the Curriculum

In The Child and the Curriculum he stresses the importance of the curriculum as a means of determining the

environment of the child, and allowing the teacher to guide children in asserting themselves, exercising their

capacities, and fulfilling their own nature. 8 black-and-white illustrations. John Dewey puts his philosophy of

education into his curriculum theory and believes that the growth need of the child is the starting point of

education,the psychological law of the child is the basis of the curriculum, the initiative activity of the child is

the method of the curriculum,and the growth of the child's experience is the ultimate goal of the curriculum;

therefore,all kinds of educational arrangements should be centered around the child.

William Kilpatrick, The Project Method, 1918

Kilpatrick’s Project Method is a blend of behavioral psychology and progressivism. It was behavioral in that

student behavior was observed but it was also progressive in the focus on child-centered learning.

The four steps of the Project Method are as follows.





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